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महाविद्यालयाच्या ग्रंथालयाला सदिच्छा भेट.

  स्व. नितीन महाविद्यालय पाथरी , जी. परभणी. येथे डॉ. धर्मापुरीकर सर , डॉ. बासुले मॅडम महिला महाविद्यालय नांदेड , यांची महाविद्यालयाच्या ग्रंथालयाला सदिच्छा भेट.


  Our Vision: Library aims to be best among Academic college libraries in this region to inculcating reading habits among the students. Library intends to incorporate the latest technology and adopt user friendly approach towards students and Faculty The college library is committed to becoming one of the leading center of knowledge and information resources To create awareness about access e-resources, among the students as well as other user. Our Mission: To provide quality information and network services in upgrading knowledge. To make its resources available to the students and teachers for creating a rich center of knowledge recourse for future generation. To provide comprehensive access of resources and innovative services to support teaching, learning and Research activities of the college. Library is the soul of the college and treasure house of knowledge and information for the Eduction, social and cultural development of the college. Library is an essential and integral ...


  To promote the reading habits of students and faculty of the college To build up needed and relevant collection resources To act as knowledge center in the local society and to provide knowledge to all the local communities. The library functions as an integral part of the college the objectives of the library To act as knowledge center in the local society and to provide knowledge to all the local communities. To support the academic programmers offered and curriculum requirement of the users. To disseminate information by issuing Documentation list and other current awareness services for the benefit. To organize the conventional and not conventional information sources in the systematic manner. To update the reader about the new arrivals. To select and acquire the appropriate resources and develop the collection of the library.


  Sr. No. Name Designation Qualification Experience 1 Mr. Yadav K. D. Librarian M.Lib. & ISc M. Phil 11 Year 2 Mr. Ghumbre K. N. Library Attendant B.A. LTC 22 Year


  The library advisory committee is formed for the administration and management of the library Committee also deals with students grievances if any The committee from the academic year 2019-20 is as follows. Sr. No. Name Designation Position 1 Dr.Funne R.S. Principal Chairman 2 Mr.Yadav K.D. Librarian Co-Ordinator 3 Dr More G.J. Head, Dept. of Marathi Member 4 Dr. Sameale S.T. Head, Dept.of Economics Member 5 Dr. Khadekar M.U. Head, Dept.of Hindi Member 6 Prof Dr.Injegaokar A.G. Head, Dept.of Marathi Member 7 Dr.Nirwal B.T. Head, Dept.of Commerce Member 8 Dr kale H.G. Head, Dept.of physics Member 9 Mr.Thombre M.D. Head, Dept.of sociology Member


  Fully computerization of library. To take efforts to increase students interest in Reading and research. To enrich the collection of library. To take membership of more library and share their resources. E-Resource Facility


  Total Area of The Library : 1071 Sq.ft. Total Collection : 11823 Title Book : 5697 Text Book : 11637 Reference Book : 186 No of Periodical/Journals : 12 No of News Paper : 10 Back Volumes : 172 Donate Books : 2135 Library Automation : Library has partially computerized with the Libman Library Management Software. Online Circulation : Online circulation of library books to students and faculties. . Bar Coding : 100% bar-code process completed of library books & bar-code scanners used for circulation entry library visitor’s entry process. E Resources facility : This facility is available through N-list Inflibnet News Paper Clipping : This is continues process of clipping about college event news publication in daily news paper.


  Year 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 Holding NO Cost NO Cost NO Cost NO Cost NO Cost Text books & journals reference books 283+15 82411 1391 353348 70 7837 282 49960 96+11 896129 4 2380 27 27458 5 4880 3 4123 11 129 e-book     6500/313500 5900         6500/313500 5900 news paper 9 6515 10 18491 9 10068 13 10442 7 248   Members of Library Sr. No. Year Member of staff Member of student Total member 1 2016-17 33 450 483 2 2017-18 33 354 387 3 2018-19 33 321 354 4 2019-20 33 330 363 5 2020-21 33 146 179 Area of The Library Main library : 39.7 sq.ft. X 27 sq.ft. = 1071sq ft. Library membership   Library functioning schedule Working days of the library: Monday to Saturday Working hours : 10:00 am to 5:30 pm on all working days   Year-wise Collection: Sr. No. Academic Year Arts Science Commerce Total 1 2016-17 212 174 64 450 2 2017-18 162 102 90 353 3 2018-19 123 90 108 321 4 2019-20 125 82 322 330 5 2020-21 43 60 43 146   Su...


  Library services: Reference services List of new papers. Circulation services. New arrival display. Newspaper cutting services Facilities: Books with computerization in Libman software. Competitive Exam Books are available. Library follows Dewey decimal classification system for reading resource in our library Library subscribes periodicals, magazines and newspapers The books authored by our faculty member displayed sepretly Emphasis is given on consistent growth of e-resources.


  Library Rules: Identity card should be shown before entering the library or Reading Room Care should be taken not to lose the identity card and the reader’s letter in case of loss. Immediately inform the library in writing all the responsibility will be on the students Don’t let others use your credentials and readership. If you are found not to take home the books you have taken for reading in the study, you will have to pay a fine of Rs .10 per day. If you want to leave the college before completing the college course you should return the library books before then. Books should be returned to the library after the examination Students will be held responsible for any offers which is not allowed to mark the library book with ink and Pencil   Reading Room Rules: Reading rooms remains open from 10:00am to 5:30pm on every working day. Admission to reading room without identity card is prohibited. Student can brrow text book magazine question paper set with producing identity ...


  LibMan Library Software LibMan Library Software Users


  Sr No. Name Of Subscription D.D. in Favor Of Address 1 Samaj Probodhan  Samaj Probodhan Patrika Kolhapur  Dr.Ashok Chousalkar Ed.Samaj Probodhan Patrika 416R.K.Nagpur Housing Society No6Pachagaon Kolhapur  2 Gruhasobhika  Delhi Prakashan Vitaran Pvt Ltd. B3 Near Wadala Vay 09 Bhovan Naigaon Crass Road Wadala Mumbi 3 University News Association of Indian  Universities, New Delhi The Secretery,Publication and Seles Division AIV House,16 Comrede ( Indrajit Gupta Marg) New Delhi -110002. 4 Andhshrdha Nirmulan Wartapatra Anshshrdha Nirmulan Wartapatra Andhshrdha Nirmulan Wartaptra Kartik Apartment F-4 Rajshree Shahu Nagar, Sahara Chauk Sanjay Nagar Sangli. 5 Science Reporter Prector NISCAIR,New Delhi Sales And Distribution Officer Science Communication And Information Resources R.R.K.S.Krishanan Marg New Delhi-110012 6 Alochana  Rajkalam Prakashan PvtLtd.New Delhi Rajkamal prakashan PvtLtd. 1B Netaji Subhash Marg Darayagans New Delhi 110002 7 Akshargatha ...

E-RESOURCES   Particulars Click here to following links N-List e-ShodhSindhu Shodhagnga National Digital Library Directory of Open Access Books Directory of Open Access Journals Springer Open Journals e-PG Pathshala e-Content courseware in UG subjects National Knowledge Network Talks to Teacher LibriVox — Audio Books NCERT Text Books Open Knowledge Repository — World Bank AGRIS Spoken Tutorial https://spok...