Our Vision:

  • Library aims to be best among Academic college libraries in this region to inculcating reading habits among the students.
  • Library intends to incorporate the latest technology and adopt user friendly approach towards students and Faculty
  • The college library is committed to becoming one of the leading center of knowledge and information resources
  • To create awareness about access e-resources, among the students as well as other user.

Our Mission:

  • To provide quality information and network services in upgrading knowledge.
  • To make its resources available to the students and teachers for creating a rich center of knowledge recourse for future generation.
  • To provide comprehensive access of resources and innovative services to support teaching, learning and Research activities of the college.
  • Library is the soul of the college and treasure house of knowledge and information for the Eduction, social and cultural development of the college.
  • Library is an essential and integral component of this institution.
  • The library holdings in terms of books, journal’s and other learning materials and to acquire information, knowledge and skills required for their study programs.


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