Library Rules:

  • Identity card should be shown before entering the library or Reading Room
  • Care should be taken not to lose the identity card and the reader’s letter in case of loss. Immediately inform the library in writing all the responsibility will be on the students
  • Don’t let others use your credentials and readership.
  • If you are found not to take home the books you have taken for reading in the study, you will have to pay a fine of Rs .10 per day.
  • If you want to leave the college before completing the college course you should return the library books before then.
  • Books should be returned to the library after the examination
  • Students will be held responsible for any offers which is not allowed to mark the library book with ink and Pencil


Reading Room Rules:

  • Reading rooms remains open from 10:00am to 5:30pm on every working day.
  • Admission to reading room without identity card is prohibited.
  • Student can brrow text book magazine question paper set with producing identity card.
  • Books and periodicals for comp.etative exams are available in reading room.
  • Books, study material issues from reading room.books are returned before leaving the reading room.
  • Silence must be strictly observed in the reading room.
  • Before entering in the reading room & library, students should switched off their cell phone.


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